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Remote Video Production Operations & Management

RAVN gives you access to your personal Remote Production Dashboard. Here you can see camera video and controls, recording schedules for upcoming video streams, project contact lists (if applicable), shoot locations, graphic assets and more. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the information below. You’ll have the confidence to manage every aspect of your production and see how it is progressing every step of the way.

Agenda - May 8th, 2024

Time Topic Notes
10:00am Introductions Jadi Team and MediaOne
10:30am Review of RAVN Current Features and Capabilities
11:00am Future of RAVN Possibilities, Updates and Feedback
11:30am Jadi Business Introduction Mission and Work Samples
12:30pm Next Steps and Wrap Up
12:45pm Lunch
2:00pm Business Development
View Full Schedule


Contact List

View all contacts for the event.View Contact List

Run of Show

See the run of show for the event.View Call Sheet


See the production location.View Studio Layout

Guides & Support

RAVN User Guide

Get to know your RAVN Kit.Get Directions

RAVN Videos

See the RAVN DemoSee Welcome Guide

Tech Support

We're always ready to help.See Guest Services

RAVN Live Mixing Demo

The video above was recorded live from MediaOne Studios using the RAVN camera kit and software. This video was originally streamed from RAVN into Zoom using live graphics, powerpoint transitions, and professionally mixed audio. This is the recording of that live stream.

Camera Control

The video above is a live stream from MediaOne Studios using the RAVN camera kit and software. Contact us for a demo, and we will give you a camera control PIN code. You can then use the link below to open our live camera control app and use the PIN code to connect to the camera remotely and adjust the camera in real time.

Remote Camera Controls


RAVN Kit 003

Booking Dates: 4.17.24 - 2.21.24
Status: Shipped
Technician: Ala Taha
Print Return LabelView Kit Details

Contact List

Name Company Role Email Phone Location
Tim Morra Jadi Chief Creative Officer
David Valentine Jadi Chief Growth Officer
Chris Coleman Jadi Chief Strategy Officer
Julia Miller MediaOne Executive Producer (415) 262-4222 SF, CA
Rolf Kaiser MediaOne Product Engineer (415) 262-4222 SF, CA
Jacob Waldman MediaOne Product Designer (415) 262-4222 SF, CA
Ala Taha MediaOne Remote Producer (415) 262-4222 SF, CA
Jethro DeHart MediaOne Studio Manager (415) 262-4222 SF, CA
Farah Munawar MediaOne Camera Operator (415) 262-4222 SF, CA

Location Information

MediaOne Studios

MediaOne Studios
600 Townsend Street, Suite 100 W
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 262-4222
Get Directions

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Time Topic Notes
10:00am Introductions Jadi Team and MediaOne
10:30am Review of RAVN Current Features and Capabilities
11:00am Future of RAVN Possibilities, Updates and Feedback
11:30am Jadi Business Introduction Mission and Work Samples
12:30pm Next Steps and Wrap Up
12:45pm Lunch
2:00pm Business Development

Resources & Assets

RAVN User Guide

View Knowledgebase

Capabilities & Videos

View Videos

RAVN Presentation

View Presentation

24/7 Tech Support

RAVN is operated by MediaOne Studios, a full service video production company with Studios in San Francisco and Las Vegas. We operate 24/7 and provide technical support and service around the clock to our clients. Always feel free to reach out and contact us whenever the need arises.

Main Contact

The main technical contact is Tracy Peterson. Don’t hesitate to contact him if you have questions.

Ala Taha, Remote Producer

(415) 262-4222

Emergency Contact

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance. Our technicians are available to respond 24/7.

MediaOne Studios

(415) 262-4222